As I write this, my father-in-law is being transported to a hospice facility. Brian is in the ambulance with him. Once he arrives at the facility, family will line the h
all creating a welcoming party for him. There are no plans for a funeral or memorial service but rather a celebration of life while he is still here with us. Tonight, family will gather in his room and share memories and laughter, and I'm sure more than a few tears.
I spoke with him yesterday to say "goodbye". He was weak but he was very coherent and made it clear that he didn't want a sad goodbye but a celebration that he will be entering his eternal home with his Savior and those who have passed on before and he genuinely hoped that all those he is leaving behind will join him there one day.
I thanked him for raising an amazing man for me to marry. He said he was so very proud of all of his kids and grand kids and that he felt he was leaving things in good hands. He has ten grandsons and almost every one of them has chosen a career path of service. Some are in ministry. One made a career of the Military. Some are firefighters and one served as a police officer. All of them are men who are leaders and compassionate, responsible individuals. John had an awful lot to do with that.
I remember when Brian and I were newly married and were visiting his parents home for a while. John was a high school science teacher and students would show up at the house for him to help them with their studies. I was impressed. What teacher does that? That small act told me much about the man who had raised my husband. Years later John serviced as a teacher in a mission school in Grand Cayman Island. Whatever he was doing, he found a way to serve others and the legacy of service and giving continues on through each of his children and grand children.
His is certainly a life worth celebrating, but I do have to say that our hearts are heavy. He will be missed. and our world will be dimmer in his absence.