Kids just blow me away. They're so honest, and innocent, and seem to naturally care about others. Maybe that's why Jesus suggested we should all be more like kids.
I didn't make it to church Sunday night. I was wiped out, to put it mildly. But Brian came home carrying this little "Belle" bank with a look on his face that told me it wasn't just any "Belle" bank. One of the little girls in our church collected her money in this bank and then gave it to use to help the kids on the reservation. Its not the first time this little one has done this.
And I'm touched. But I'm not surprised. This little girl has a mommy and daddy that have lived out the principal of being generous and caring about other people in front of her every day of her life. To her, I'm sure it's just "what people do". Simple. Not easy, giving rarely is, but its what you do when you care.
Her mommy knows something about that. Her mommy is from another country and grew up in poverty. Someone in America sponsored her so she could get an education. Now she's in America, married with kids and she's teaching her three to reach out to those in need.