I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year. I love it because all my work is over.
And I hate it because its all over.
True, my work is done. No more need for long days and sleepless nights.
True, I can rest and do some things I enjoy.
But there is also the feeling that everyone has left the room and the music has stopped and its just me left with an empty room. There's a bit of sadness because I've met new people that I like and wonder if I'll see them again. And there is time. Time to do ... what??
Boredom is not a good thing for me. I don't deal with it well. At all. It may not be healthy to "keep drinking that coffee and keep going" like my friend says I do, but its a lot healthier for me than dealing with boredom.
This time last year I crashed. Hard. So, I've taken some steps this year to deal with boredom.
I have things to do. Of course, I'm still not completely done with REZonate. There are still thank you notes to be written and "gift in kind" forms to fill out and file, and there is still that pile of junk about my house that I need to move to storage.
Next weekend I head to Chicago and in October I'll be skydiving! And at some point I have bathroom wallpaper that needs to be stripped off. Whoever thought that gluing paper to a wall was a good idea?? So, I do have things to do ... I guess I just don't like goodbyes.

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