Pretty amazing photo!
Its also a pretty amazing house. Its not the biggest, or the prettiest. It doesn't have the most up to date features. It is not ever going to be in Homearama. But its home.
Before this house we lived in a few interesting places...
- A run down trailer park with gypsies as neighbors.
- A nice little ranch house in Louisiana that was owned by a man in our church. It needed some repair but his plan was to buy all the houses on that block, tear them down and build a mall. So the bathroom was a little grungy but the back yard was amazing. (I'm not sure if he ever built that mall. Last time we were there, so was the house.
- A parsonage in Alabama that had multiple colors of carpet and the sewer backed up into the dish washer.
When we moved to Ohio we bought our first home on Vista drive. A nice little cape cod. It was a great little house, but soon the lot came available where our house is now located and the price was right. We bought the lot and built this house ourselves.
We literally built it ourselves. Our blood and sweat is in that house as is the blood and sweat of some very good friends. We raised our boys here. Some of their pets are buried in the back yard. Every bit of this house is a reflection of us. It is home.
* Check out this article about Jim Brockman
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