Its the end of the year and I'm just sitting here thinking about the changes that have taken place ... and thinking about all that is in store in the future.
And that made me start thinking about the Pastors. In particular I was thinking about their uniqueness and how they work together so well. They are very, very different people with very different gifts, but they are so united in heart and purpose so much so that no one would be able to divide them - even if they tried.
Both Brian and I are beyond thrilled to have Dennis on board! Let me tell you about Dennis. I've known him now for 30 some years and you can't know someone for that long and not see them in various situations that reveal character. Let me tell ya, Dennis is a man of integrity! He made my short list of people I trust a long, long time ago. I've seen him stand and do the "right thing" when it cost him great personal pain and loss. I've seen him handle what could have been explosive situations and bring all the parties to a calm "agree to disagree" place.
Dennis is gifted in his preaching. In fact, I don't even think of it as "preaching". Its more like chicken soup for the soul. Ha! He will give me grief for that. He just talks to you from the pulpit and his messages are always something that leave you feeling hopeful, and encouraged, and amaze you with simple truth. I always leave feeling like I've just had a bowl of good old homemade chicken soup. Nourished!
Oh, and he's gifted musically. Did you know he played professionally? He did. And he probably still could. I'm pretty sure the whole music program at our church rides on his shoulders. And yet, he is never one to draw attention to himself but elevates others and their gifts.
And then there's Brian. What do I say about the man I've been married to for more than half my life? Obviously I've known him for a while now and have also seen him in more situations than I can count. Even after all these years I am amazed at the utter and complete grace and wisdom he displays. Most of it involves things that no one else will ever know about and are probably blissfully unaware of.
No one remains an Associate Pastor for 32 years if they have an ego and are bent on serving self. Brian is one of the most self-less people I know and he has proven that in our family and in the church time and time again for many, many years.
As I've watched him maneuver the transition at our church, all that wisdom has really come into play. Unknown to most, he has set things in place to make what might have been a very difficult transition much smoother and less traumatic for the congregation.
And he is a gifted teacher. Again, I don't think of his preaching as "preaching" but more of teaching. One thing that still baffles me about him is his way of finding little treasures in the most obscure scripture and then weaving them into something profound and meaningful to life. Or his way of taking a scripture you have heard for years and find something in there that he can mine out and bring new life to. Brian has always said that the "why" is important. Its important to know why whatever the message is about is important to everyday life. I think he does a pretty good job of making scripture - sometimes those we've never given a thought to, apply to the things we all deal with on a daily basis.
Oh, and both of these guys are goofy! Ha! They are both fun because they will jump in and make fun of themselves at the drop of a hat. And that keeps us all on our toes because ... you just never know what's coming next!
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